The Benefits of Installing a HEPA Central Air Filter

When it comes to maintaining a healthy and comfortable home, air quality is an important factor. Low-cost, disposable flat panel filters are designed to minimize wear and tear on HVAC components, but they don't always address the air quality problems faced by homeowners. That's where HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters come in. These filters exceed MERV grade 16 and can remove 99.97 percent of particles down to a size of 0.3 microns, meeting the requirements set by the U.

S. Department of Energy. An HVAC unit's air filter is key to maintaining a stable and healthy airflow within your home or commercial building. The electrostatically charged, pleated synthetic filter can trap 90 percent of particles in the air without affecting airflow, according to the manufacturer.

This procedure filters a percentage of household air flow according to HEPA standards without compromising air volume. Dusty air filters can reduce the efficiency of HEPA filters and cause contaminants to build up in ducts. An electrostatic air filter with a MERV rating of 12 is sufficient for common allergens, such as mold spores, pollen and pet dander. HVAC systems are known to perform several different functions, such as removing hot, stale air and replacing it with fresh air in a process called ventilation, as well as eliminating unwanted air pollutants, such as dust mites, tobacco smoke, airborne bacteria, dander from pets, pollen and carbon dioxide. HEPA filtration options for residential spaces include external HEPA filters or whole-house air filters, types of filters that connect to the ductwork through a small bypass circuit.

Humidifier filters and pads for all major manufacturers are available for purchase. It's important to remember that the air in your home is recirculated, so the same air will pass through the filter several times a day. Although no HEPA filter will remove all contaminants from indoor air, a high-efficiency filter combined with a well-maintained climate system can be a big help. While HEPA filters are very effective at cleaning the air, there are other types of filters available such as electrostatic filters and electrostatic precipitators that use a small charge to trap particles. The best filters trap indoor contaminants such as dust, pet dander and pollen, helping to clean the air in your home. High particle capture rate comes at a cost: HEPA filters have more resistance to air flow than MERV filters.

However, this should not be an issue if you have an HVAC system that is properly sized for your home or commercial building. Installing a high-efficiency filter is an easy way to improve indoor air quality without sacrificing comfort or energy efficiency.